Map - Mahaicony (Mahaicony Village)

Mahaicony (Mahaicony Village)
Mahaicony is a community that is made up several villages in East Coast Demerara, Mahaica-Berbice, Guyana. Mahaicony's physical boundaries on the coast is from De Hoop village in the west to Calcutta village in the east.

Central Mahaicony incorporates the villages of Farm, Zeskenderen, L’Excellence and Yorkshire Hall and the main branch road leads to the communities of Perth and Wash Clothes.

Farming and cattle-rearing are the economic mainstays of the village.

The area produces over 15,000 metric tons of paddy rice each year. The activities of the community are usually affected by flooding during the rainy season and the drying up of ponds during the dry season.

Map - Mahaicony (Mahaicony Village)
Google Earth - Map - Mahaicony
Google Earth
Openstreetmap - Map - Mahaicony
Map - Mahaicony - Esri.WorldImagery
Map - Mahaicony - Esri.WorldStreetMap
Map - Mahaicony - OpenStreetMap.Mapnik
Map - Mahaicony - OpenStreetMap.HOT
Map - Mahaicony - OpenTopoMap
Map - Mahaicony - CartoDB.Positron
Map - Mahaicony - CartoDB.Voyager
Map - Mahaicony - OpenMapSurfer.Roads
Map - Mahaicony - Esri.WorldTopoMap
Map - Mahaicony - Stamen.TonerLite
Country - Guyana
Flag of Guyana
Guyana, officially the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, is a country on the northern mainland of South America. Guyana is an indigenous word which means "Land of Many Waters". The capital city is Georgetown. Guyana is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the north, Brazil to the south and southwest, Venezuela to the west, and Suriname to the east. With 215000 sqkm, Guyana is the third-smallest sovereign state by area in mainland South America after Uruguay and Suriname, and is the second-least populous sovereign state in South America after Suriname; it is also one of the least densely populated countries on Earth. It has a wide variety of natural habitats and a very high biodiversity.

The region known as "the Guianas" consists of the large shield landmass north of the Amazon River and east of the Orinoco River known as the "land of many waters". Nine indigenous tribes reside in Guyana: the Wai Wai, Macushi, Patamona, Lokono, Kalina, Wapishana, Pemon, Akawaio and Warao. Historically dominated by the Lokono and Kalina tribes, Guyana was colonised by the Dutch before coming under British control in the late 18th century. It was governed as British Guiana, with a mostly plantation-style economy until the 1950s. It gained independence in 1966, and officially became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations in 1970. The legacy of British rule is reflected in the country's political administration and diverse population, which includes Indian, African, Indigenous, Chinese, Portuguese, other European, and various multiracial groups. In 2017, 41% of the population of Guyana lived below the poverty line.
Currency / Language  
ISO Currency Symbol Significant figures
GYD Guyanese dollar $ 2
ISO Language
EN English language
Neighbourhood - Country  
  •  Brazil 
  •  Suriname 
  •  Venezuela